Planet Designs Kids

  1. Sea Star colouring page

    We have created 3 special colouring pages that you will find on 3 separate blog posts that make up our “Christmas Under The Sea” window mural.  This Sea Star (also known as starfish) colouring page is the 1st of 3 themed activities for you to colour / decorate / collage,…

  2. Thanksgiving Day Colouring Page

    Many countries celebrate a Thanksgiving Day, though some may call it another name and have different traditions associated with it, the meaning is the same: A day to give thanks for the harvest and other blessings of the past year. We’ve created this week’s “Give Thanks” colouring page with different…

  3. Farming Colouring Page

    It is National Agriculture Day on the 19th November 2021 in Australia so we have created a free kids colouring page of 6 different types of farming.  We’ve designed pictures of the following farms: Dairy FarmOrchard FarmFree Range Chicken FarmHydroponic Vertical Indoor FarmSheep Wool FarmCrop Farm We have only created…

  4. Remembrance Day & Armistice Day colouring page

    On the 11th day of the 11th month at 11am we will remember the people who served and died in war and peace support missions. Whether you call it Remembrance Day or Armistice Day we have created this free colouring page as a resource for parents and educators to encourage…

  5. Boo! Guess Who Halloween Colouring Activity

    The end of October brings around Halloween which is celebrated in many countries across the world in many different ways such as: bonfires, festivals, costumes, jack-o-lanterns, trick-or-treating, sharing spooky stories, candy, throwing nuts into a fire, sweet bread, fireworks, Halloween themed food, pumpkins, entertaining performances, honouring good spirits and passed…

  6. Fall in the Forest Colouring Page

    It’s Fall in the Northern Hemisphere. The leaves in the forests are turning from green, to red, to gold, and falling from the trees.  Some forest animals will be gathering food, growing thicker warm coats, finding mates, and searching for a warm, dry place to hibernate during Winter.  Whilst others…

  7. Birds Colouring Page

    ‘National Bird Week’ runs from the 18th to 24th October 2021 in Australia. The week is to encourage Australian’s to get involved in the conservation of birds, but this should be a global project for there are birds almost everywhere in the world.  They are important because they help control…

  8. Habitats Colouring Page

    With ‘World Habitat Day’ at the beginning of October it prompted us to think about habitat conservation and firstly ask the question:  What is a Habitat? Simply put, a Habitat is the natural home or environment where a plant, animal, organism or human lives. The second question we asked ourselves…

  9. Be Kind To Animals Colouring Page

    It’s “Be Kind To Animals” week from 1st - 7th October 2021. We adore animals be they furry, woolly, hairy, feathered, finned, or scaled and believe our World is so much richer for the animals that live here with us. Our ‘Be Kind To Animals colouring page’ is a free…

  10. Clean Up Colouring Activity

    It’s ‘World Clean Up Day’ on the 18th of September 2021. On your next walk to the park, through the bush or down the beach, take a rubbish bag with you and collect any rubbish that belongs in the bin. Help clean up our World, every little bit helps. In…

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